Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Telur Yang Direbus Dalam Urine Anak Diyakini Dapat Membantu Konsentrasi

Hundreds of eggs being boiled in boys' urine
Traditional chefs in Dongyang, Zhejiang province, eastern China, are trying to convince everyone that they're really not just taking the pee.
Spring eggs hard boiled in children's urine have been a treat in this part of China for thousands of years and now culture officials want to take it worldwide.
Chef Lu Ming said: 'The urine is gathered from local schools and the very best comes from boys under 10 years old. They pee in buckets and we collect it fresh every day,'
Then the eggs - which have official cultural significance status - are boiled in the wee, first with their shells on and then with them off for a day and a night before they're ready to be eaten.
He said: 'The eggs are delicious and healthy. They stop fevers and can help you concentrate if you're feeling sluggish or sleepy.
'We are having a big export push because we want people outside China to fully appreciate the delicacy of our cuisine.'
Read more: http://www.metro.co.uk
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