Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Leonurus
Species: L. sibiricus
Binomial name
Leonurus sibiricus L.
Leonurus sibiricus is a herbaceous annual or biennial with upright stems that grow from 20 to 80 cm tall. Plants have long petioled basal leaves, that are ovate-cordate in shape. The leaves have toothed margins and are incised with deeply cut lobes. Typically one or a few flowering stems are produced from short tap-roots. The lower stem leaves are deciduous and wither away as the plants begin blooming. The petioles of the leaves, midway up the stems are 2 cm long. The flowers are produced in many flowered verticillasters, produced in whorls around the top half or more of the stem. The flowers are sessile with 8 mm long calyxs that are tubular-campanulate in shape. The corolla is white or reddish to purple-red, with an upper lip that is oblong in shape and longer than the lower lip. When flowering is done, brown oblong shaped nutlets are produced in good number.[2] Blooming occurs from July into late September, but when climate permits, flowering can occur year round.[3][4]
This species habitat within its natural range, is stony or sandy grasslands or pine forests.[5]
Leonurine is one of the active components of Leonurus sibiricus[6]
Alkaloids isolated from the plant include:[7]
* Leonurinine
* Leonuridine
* Stachydrine [1]
* Leuronurine
* Prehispanolone [2]
* Cycloleonurinine
* Leoheterin
* Preleoheterin
- ^ "PLANTS Profile for Leonurus sibiricus (honeyweed)". plants.usda.gov. http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=LESI. Retrieved on 2008-12-04.
- ^ "Leonurus sibiricus in Flora of China @ efloras.org". www. efloras. org. http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200019765. Retrieved on 2008-12-04.
- ^ http://www.archive.org/stream/floraofstcroixvi00egge/floraofstcroixvi00egge_djvu.txt
- ^ http://whqlibdoc.who.int/wpro/1994-99/9290611200.pdf
- ^ "Leonurus sibiricus in Flora of China @ efloras. org". www. efloras.org. http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200019765. Retrieved on 2008-12-04.
- ^ "The Leonurine and its preparation" (in English). An Hui New Star Pharmaceutical Development Co.. 2008. http://www.newstar-chem.com/english/display.asp?id=208. Retrieved on 2008-08-28.
- ^ "Leonurus sibiricus L. Labiatae Korean Name: Ik-mo-cho English Name: Motherwort Parts used. Herb. Traditional uses.". Retrieved on 2008-12-04.
Melia Propolis
“Natures Miracle Antibiotic”
Propolis bisa menjadi solusi kesehatan untuk berbagai penyakit yang bekerja secara holistic tanpa efek samping.
Hampir seluruh Kitab Suci menulis tentang Lebah.
Q.S. AN NAHL : Ayat. 68 & 69
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Kandungan Propolis:
1. Bioflavonoids: Memulihkan system kapilari serta memperbaiki kerapuhan dan kebocoran saluran darah (1 tetes propolis kandungannya setara dengan 500 buah jeruk) 2. Protein ( 16 Asam amino Esensial)
3. Vitamin dan mineral
Fungsi Propolis bagi manusia:
1. Detoksifikasi (Membuangan racun dan Kuman Penyakit dari dalam tubuh)
2. Antibiotika Alami (antimicrobial seperti virus, bakteri dan jamur)
3. Anti Radang
4. Anti Alergi
5. Meningkatkan Imunitas / Kekebalan Tubuh
6. Anti Oksidan (mencegah kanker dan membunuh sel kanker)
7. Nutrisi (memperbaiki dan regenerasi sel tubuh)
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