This same question has driven mankind and filed the annals of history.
Known as Resish or Mannentake to the Japanese and Ling Zhi to the Chinese, Ganodema Lucidum is renowned for its medicinal properties.
Thus, considerable time and effort has gone into the isolation and characterization of these compounds.
1) 120 of them are declared to be 'superior' medicines.
2) Another 120 are classified as 'average' medicines.
3) He remaining 125 are placed in the 'fair' category.
Reishi has long been known to extend life span, increase youthful vigor and vitality. Ganoderm Lucidum, with more 200 documented vital nutrients is the closest thing to nutritional perfection found in nature.
Ganoderma acts by increasing the number of so-called natural killer cells, one of several types of cells in the body's immune system.
So the answer to the question 'Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed' is a resounding yes. The body needs Ganoderma because many ailments are caused by the imbalance of body functions due to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Ganoderma Lucidum helps the body remove the build-up of toxins and allows the body's natural immune system to strengthen itself.
About the Author:Glenn Freiboth is a Writer for Many Health Related Issues and lives in Illinois. Get Products Rich in Ganoderma Lucidum at
Article Source: - Can Death Be Delayed or Ageing Reversed?
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……..Keluarlah dari perutnya syaraabun (cairan) beraneka warna, dan padanya syifa (penyembuhan) bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu menjadi tanda bagi kaum yang memikirkan.
Kandungan Propolis:
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