Minggu, 19 April 2009

How to start earning income from your Herbs blog ?

How to start earning income/revenue from your blog ? in order to get started you must register your account and blog with blogsvertise service. If you do not have a blog, please visit their list of recommended free blog sites. Once your account and is submitted, an administrator reviews your site for quality assurance purposes and will approve or reject your account. Please Read the rules for more information on what is allowed/not allowed.

Once your account is registered you will then add your blogs for review and approval. Once approved by the administrator your blogs are inserted into the assignment queue, where you will then be emailed tasks/new assignments to write about in your blog. When the task assigned to you, You will be emailed a website url along with a brief note. Your task will be to mention the website in your blog and provide at least 3 links to the website in your blog entry.

After you have written your blog entry, you will need to submit the blog entry back to us for review and approval via our online forms. We will again review your entry for approval. Once your blog entry is approved , you will be paid after 30 days for your entry via paypal. You must have a paypal account in order to be paid.

If you interested to join and earn money or advertise in myblog, join here
============================================================== Promo Produk
Melia Propolis
“Natures Miracle Antibiotic”
Propolis bisa menjadi solusi kesehatan untuk berbagai penyakit yang bekerja secara holistic tanpa efek samping.
Hampir seluruh Kitab Suci menulis tentang Lebah.

Q.S. AN NAHL : Ayat. 68 & 69
……..Keluarlah dari perutnya syaraabun (cairan) beraneka warna, dan padanya syifa (penyembuhan) bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu menjadi tanda bagi kaum yang memikirkan.
Kandungan Propolis:
1. Bioflavonoids: Memulihkan system kapilari serta memperbaiki kerapuhan dan kebocoran saluran darah (1 tetes propolis kandungannya setara dengan 500 buah jeruk) 2. Protein ( 16 Asam amino Esensial)
3. Vitamin dan mineral

Fungsi Propolis bagi manusia:
1. Detoksifikasi (Membuangan racun dan Kuman Penyakit dari dalam tubuh)
2. Antibiotika Alami (antimicrobial seperti virus, bakteri dan jamur)
3. Anti Radang
4. Anti Alergi
5. Meningkatkan Imunitas / Kekebalan Tubuh
6. Anti Oksidan (mencegah kanker dan membunuh sel kanker)
7. Nutrisi (memperbaiki dan regenerasi sel tubuh)
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