Cat's Whiskers
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Orthosiphon
Species: O. aristatus
Binomial name
Orthosiphon aristatus
(Blume) Miq.
Orthosiphon aristatus is from the family of Lippenblütengewächse/Lamiaceae/Labiatae. The plant is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout South East Asia and tropical Australia. It is known as pokok misai kucing in Malay
Medicinal uses
It is trusted for many centuries for treating ailments of the kidney, bladder stone, urinary tract infection, liver and bladder problems, diabetes, rheumatism and gout. And, it is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Forward, it is believed to have antiallergic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Furthermore, it is used as a remedy for arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders), kidney stones, diabetes and nephritis.
Moreover, it has a mild diuretic action, so it is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. Then, it also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.
It (misai kucing) is also known as Kumis Kuching (kumis kucing) or Remujung. Other names for Misai Kuching are Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth, Orthosiphon Aristatus, Orthosiphonblaetter, Indisher Nierentee, Feuilles de Barbiflore, Java Tea, Javatee, Kidney Tea, Koemis Koetjing and Yaa Nuat Maeo.
Because of the characteristic form of its flowers, it is also known as Cat's whiskers.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Orthosiphon
Species: O. aristatus
Binomial name
Orthosiphon aristatus
(Blume) Miq.
Orthosiphon aristatus is from the family of Lippenblütengewächse/Lamiaceae/Labiatae. The plant is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout South East Asia and tropical Australia. It is known as pokok misai kucing in Malay
Medicinal uses
It is trusted for many centuries for treating ailments of the kidney, bladder stone, urinary tract infection, liver and bladder problems, diabetes, rheumatism and gout. And, it is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Forward, it is believed to have antiallergic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Furthermore, it is used as a remedy for arteriosclerosis (capillary and circulatory disorders), kidney stones, diabetes and nephritis.
Moreover, it has a mild diuretic action, so it is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. Then, it also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.
It (misai kucing) is also known as Kumis Kuching (kumis kucing) or Remujung. Other names for Misai Kuching are Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth, Orthosiphon Aristatus, Orthosiphonblaetter, Indisher Nierentee, Feuilles de Barbiflore, Java Tea, Javatee, Kidney Tea, Koemis Koetjing and Yaa Nuat Maeo.
Because of the characteristic form of its flowers, it is also known as Cat's whiskers.
Source from wikipedia
Tags : Cat's Whiskers, kumis kucing, Orthosiphon aristatus, Tanaman Obat ============================================================== Promo Produk
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