Black Cumin dikenal dengan banyak nama berbeda di setiap tempat. Ada yang menyebutnya Black Caraway, ada juga yang menyebutnya Black Seed, atau bahkan Coriander Seeds. Di dunia Arab Black Cumin dikenal dengan nama Habbatus Sauda (biji hitam) atau Habbatul Baraka (biji yang diberkati), di Persia disebut Shonaiz, di Turki Cörekotu Siyah, dalam bahasa Hindi dikenal dengan nama Kalounji dan di Nusantara (Indonesia dan Malaysia) diberi nama Jintan Hitam. Dalam istilah ilmiah (latin) herba ini dikenal dengan nama “Nigella sativa L.”.
Black Cumin is interest crop Fennel from family Buttercup (Ranunculaceae). According to history of this herb crop comes from Mediterranean (especially in Egypt), which these days have been conducting in various world clefts, as in jazirah Arab (Yemen, Saudi Arabia), Syria, Iraq, partly Middle Asia’s (India, Pakistan), Mediterranean Sea nations (Greek, Cyprus) and American. This clump crop propagation their/his self so bloomy. Its interest purple deep blue or whitish. Its scope can be reach height of 30-60 cm and forms a seed capsule (calyx) which in it there is trigonal wedge is having color white. When the fruit capsule is matured, s(he will open and the wedge in it turns into black of its color (Black Cumin Seed). Part of this (black seed) what exploited as health herb, has typical aroma and its form same as sesame seed, but having color stringy and black, length at the most 3 mm.
Black Cumin is recognized with many names to differ in every place. Something calls it Black Caraway, also there is mentioning it Black Seed, or even Coriander Seeds. In Arab world Black Cumin is recognized by the name of Habbatus Sauda (Black Seed) or Habbatul Baraka (seed blessed), in Persian called as Shonaiz, in Turkey Cörekotu Siyah, in Hindi language is recognized by the name of Kalounji and in Archipelago (Indonesia and Malaysia) called Jintan Hitam. In scientific term (latin) this herb recognized by the name "Nigella sativa L.".
Apa Kata Ilmuan Tentang Black Cumin

Black Cumin terbukti menyembuhkan 70 % pasien allergi, termasuk didalamnya allergi serbuk dan debu juga jerawat dan neurodermitis (penyakit kulit), asthma dan lemahnya daya kekebalan tubuh. Mengkonsumsi jintan hitam secara teratur dapat menahan secara baik penyakit flu. (Dr. Peter Schleicher, Immunologe, München-Jerman)
Minyak tanaman Black Cumin berkhasiat tidak hanya pada asthma, tetapi juga pada Neurodermitis. (Prof. Dr. Michael Meurer, Münchener Dermatologische Klinik, Jerman)
Dengan mengkonsumsi Black Cumin dari Mesir dapat melawan kelelahan. Sebagai tambahan sebaiknya Black Cumin dimakan dengan Royal Jelly dengan perbandingan 2:1. (Dr. Mohammed Saleh, Kairo-Mesir)
Black Cumin sangat berkhasiat, karena kandungan yang tinggi dari asam lemak tidak jenuh. (Prof. Dr. Walter Dorsch, München-Jerman)
Terapi baru yang efektif, mudah dicerna, dan tidak mahal pada penyakit alergi adalah penggunaan asam lemak tidak jenuh dari minyak biji tanaman, terutama minyak Black Cumin. (Dr. Lutz Bannasch, München- Jerman)
Ekstrak Black Cumin memiliki khasiat anti-tumor tanpa efek samping seperti pada yang terjadi pada Chemotherapi dan penyinaran.(Study of Nigella sativa on humans, University of South Carolina. USA)
Black Cumin memiliki peranan yang penting pada pencegahan tumor. Pada pemakaian dalam waktu yang lama minyak Black Cumin memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh. Selain itu dapat mempercepat pembelahan sel.(Dr. Stanley Kopok, University of Arizona, USA)
Karena kandungan tinggi berlipat-lipat asam lemak tidak jenuh, Black Cumin Oil sangat rentan terhadap oksidasi. Pada perubahan penyumbatan (sembelit) dalam tubuh maka diperlukan perlindungan selanjutnya dari pengaruh buruk oksigen reaktif. Karena alasan itu sangat penting untuk menambahkan Vitamin antioksidan (Vitamin E dan Beta-Carotin (Provitamin A) pada Black Cumin Oil. (Institut zur Erforschung neuer Therapieverfahren chronischer Krankheiten und Immunologie, Muenchen-Jerman)
Black Cumin Oil terbukti meningkatkan jumlah Lymphosit, Leukosit dan Phygosit dalam darah. (Immunpharmacology 30/2 (1995), Black Cumin dapat meningkatkan signifikan waktu harapan hidup pasien kanker. (Journal of Clinical Oncology)
Kanker dapat diobati dengan ekstrak Black Cumin; selain itu dimungkinkan pencegahan yang efektif terhadap efek sampingan dari Chemotherapie. Sangat penting adalah pengaruh rangsangan kekebalan. (Dr. Rajko Medenica, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA)
Does Word Scientist, About Black Cumin
Oleaginous Black Cumin of ether which can assist digestion and lessens intestine problem. (Prof. Dr. Hildebert Wagner, Institute fur Pharmazeutische Biologie, Muenchen-German)
Proven Black Cumin heals 70 % patient allergy, included in of allergy powder and dirt also pimple and neurodermitis (skin disease), asthma and the light body impenetrability energy power. Consumes black dill regularly can arrest; detain well disease flu. (Dr. Peter Schleicher, Immunologe, München-German)
Crop oil Black Cumin is having special quality not only at asthma, but also at Neurodermitis. (Prof. Dr. Michael Meurer, Münchener Dermatologische Clinic, Germany)
With consuming Black Cumin from Egypt can fight against fatigue. In addition is better if Black Cumin is eaten with Royal Jelly with comparison 2:1. (Dr. Mohammed Saleh, Cairo-Egypt)
Black Cumin hardly having special quality, because high content from fatty acid is not saturate. (Prof. Dr. Walter Dorsch, München-German)
Effective new therapy, easy to be digested and cost-effective at allergic disease is usage of fatty acid is not saturated from crop seed oil, especially oil Black Cumin. (Dr. Lutz Bannasch, München-German)
Extract Black Cumin has special quality anti-tumor without side effects like at happened at Chemotherapy and radiation (Study of Nigella sativa on humans, University of South Carolina. USA)
Black Cumin has important role at prevention of tumor. At usage during old oil Black Cumin strengthens body impenetrability system. Besides can quicken bisection sel (Dr. Stanley Kopok, University of Arizona, USA)
Because high content of multiply fatty acid is not saturate, Black Cumin Oil very susceptible to oxidation. At gagging change (constipation) in body hence required protection hereinafter from ugly influence oxygen reactive. Because the reason of vital importance to add Vitamin antioxidant (Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene (Provitamin A) at Black Cumin Oil. (Institute zur Erforschung neuer Therapieverfahren chronischer Krankheiten und Immunologie, Muenchen-German)
Oleaginous Black Cumin of ether which can assist digestion and lessens intestine problem. (Prof. Dr. Hildebert Wagner, Institute fur Pharmazeutische Biologie, Muenchen-German)
Proven Black Cumin heals 70 % patient allergy, included in of allergy powder and dirt also pimple and neurodermitis (skin disease), asthma and the light body impenetrability energy power. Consumes black dill regularly can arrest; detain well disease flu. (Dr. Peter Schleicher, Immunologe, München-German)
Crop oil Black Cumin is having special quality not only at asthma, but also at Neurodermitis. (Prof. Dr. Michael Meurer, Münchener Dermatologische Clinic, Germany)
With consuming Black Cumin from Egypt can fight against fatigue. In addition is better if Black Cumin is eaten with Royal Jelly with comparison 2:1. (Dr. Mohammed Saleh, Cairo-Egypt)
Black Cumin hardly having special quality, because high content from fatty acid is not saturate. (Prof. Dr. Walter Dorsch, München-German)
Effective new therapy, easy to be digested and cost-effective at allergic disease is usage of fatty acid is not saturated from crop seed oil, especially oil Black Cumin. (Dr. Lutz Bannasch, München-German)
Extract Black Cumin has special quality anti-tumor without side effects like at happened at Chemotherapy and radiation (Study of Nigella sativa on humans, University of South Carolina. USA)
Black Cumin has important role at prevention of tumor. At usage during old oil Black Cumin strengthens body impenetrability system. Besides can quicken bisection sel (Dr. Stanley Kopok, University of Arizona, USA)
Because high content of multiply fatty acid is not saturate, Black Cumin Oil very susceptible to oxidation. At gagging change (constipation) in body hence required protection hereinafter from ugly influence oxygen reactive. Because the reason of vital importance to add Vitamin antioxidant (Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene (Provitamin A) at Black Cumin Oil. (Institute zur Erforschung neuer Therapieverfahren chronischer Krankheiten und Immunologie, Muenchen-German)
Proven Black Cumin Oil increased number of Lymphosit, Leukocyte and Phagocyte in blood. (Immune pharmacology 30/2 (1995), Black Cumin can increase significant cancer patient a spark of life time. (Journal of Clinical Oncology)
Curable cancer with extract Black Cumin; besides enabled effective prevention to peripheral effect from Chemotherapy. Of vital importance is excitement influence of impenetrability. (Dr. Rajko Medenica, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA) ============================================================== Promo Produk
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