* The juice of passion fruit contains phytochemicals which is considered to reduce or inhibit cancer cell growth.
* The phenolic acids and flavonoids present in the fruit are supposed to possess heart-protecting function.
* The phenolic profile of the fruit is known for its anti-microbial activity.
* Passion fruit is a good source of antioxidants, both water soluble and fat soluble ones.
* The fruit is quite high in carbohydrates and simple sugars, which improves athletic performance.
* It contains plant sterols, which help in lowering the levels of cholesterol.
* Passion fruit is a reservoir of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Potassium.
* The pulps of the fruit are very vital sources of fiber.
* It is very good for attaining optimum health and to reduce weight.
Source: Q'TEB Marku Markisaki
Promo Produk
Melia Propolis
“Natures Miracle Antibiotic”
Propolis bisa menjadi solusi kesehatan untuk berbagai penyakit yang bekerja secara holistic tanpa efek samping.
Hampir seluruh Kitab Suci menulis tentang Lebah.
Q.S. AN NAHL : Ayat. 68 & 69
……..Keluarlah dari perutnya syaraabun (cairan) beraneka warna, dan padanya syifa (penyembuhan) bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu menjadi tanda bagi kaum yang memikirkan.
Kandungan Propolis:
1. Bioflavonoids: Memulihkan system kapilari serta memperbaiki kerapuhan dan kebocoran saluran darah (1 tetes propolis kandungannya setara dengan 500 buah jeruk)
2. Protein ( 16 Asam amino Esensial)
3. Vitamin dan mineral
Fungsi Propolis bagi manusia:
1. Detoksifikasi (Membuangan racun dan Kuman Penyakit dari dalam tubuh)
2. Antibiotika Alami (antimicrobial seperti virus, bakteri dan jamur)
3. Anti Radang
4. Anti Alergi
5. Meningkatkan Imunitas / Kekebalan Tubuh
6. Anti Oksidan (mencegah kanker dan membunuh sel kanker)
7. Nutrisi (memperbaiki dan regenerasi sel tubuh)
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