By. Setyo Sri Rahardjo
ABSTRACT: Obesity is one of unwanted condition which may be caused by imbalance of energy intake and output, though energy intake more than output. Few herbal medicines containing of jati belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk.) leaf are belived to reduce body weight. The previous research showed that the mucilage of jati belanda leaf inhibited rat weight gain. Ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk.) decreased the rat blood cholesterol level.
Other research swohed that the infusion of jati belanda leaf in vitro increased the activity of lipase enzyme. This research was purposed to know the influence of ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf on the activity of serum lipase enzyme. It was also intended to explore the effect of the extract on rat weight and the increasing of Rattus norvegicus weight gain. In this study 30 male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus) were used. The 150-200
g rats were divided into 5 groups randomization.
Group I rats received ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf in the dose of 10% for 0,5 ml/200 g body weight/day, group II rats received ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf in the dose of 20% for 0,5 ml/200 g body weight/day and group III rats received ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf in the dose 30% for 0,5 ml/200 g body weight/day. The extract was given for 30 days. Group IV rats received 2 ml aquadest peroral/day for 30 days and group V rats received orlistat, pancreatic lipase inhibitor 2,16 mg/200 g body weight/day for 30 days. Drinking water was given ad libitum. The rat body weight was measured everyday. In the day of 0th (before treatment) and 30th after the treatment rat blood sample was taken and the activity of pancreatic lipase was
measured. The data was analysed using of anava test, student’s t test and regression test.
The result showed that the ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf decreased the activity of serum lipase level up to 8,33 ± 9,27 U/l (group I), 9,33 ± 6,34 U/l (group II), 15,33 ± 7,61 U/l (group III) and 13,33 ± 7,33 U/l (group V/positive controle) but on group IV (negative controle), increased the activity of serum lipase level up to 15,17 ± 14,79 U/l. It is concluded that the ethanol extract of jati belanda leaf inhibits significantly (p<0,05) the activity of serum lipase
from : Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk.) terhadap Aktivitas Enzim Lipase Serum Rattus norvegicus. Oleh Setyo Sri Rahardjo, Program pasca Sarjana Univ Gajah Mada.

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